Industries Served

Boilers & Power Plants

Boilers & Power Plants

Our principal Calderys India has been associated with power industry since the time thermal power plants were set up in India. Their brands like firecretes have been synonymous to ash hopper repairs of these power plants since decades. They have played the role of a dependable solution partner in the growth of power sector in India by working together towards their performance improvement while proposing most suitable solutions. Today their brands like Accplast, Accmon, Accgun, Accmongun have become synonymous to refractories for new age power plant boilers.



Our Principal Calderys India has decades of experience in serving Aluminium industry. They have been working for years with worldwide engineering companies, Process licensors, contractors and end users in the Aluminium industry. They have experience of catering to requirements of integrated aluminium producers and aluminium foundry. This experience has made customer’s preferred choice for new projects as well as for ongoing plants. Their proposals have helped customers to improve Refractory life, productivity and safety. Their innovative product range like Accmons, AC-85P have been creating performance bench marks since decades in Aluminium Industry.

Waste Incinerators

Waste Incinerators

Our principal Calderys India has over 3 decades of experience of successful activity in this segment. Coupled with over 100 years of Calderys experience in the Waste Incineration industry, they are considered as reference supplier in this segment in India. Their pioneering implementation of innovative monolithic products and design solutions safeguard profitability thanks to better energy transfer, reduced maintenance downtime, and longer repair cycles. Calderys global experience and local experience allow them to offer the most suitable and cost effective technical solutions that will contribute to customer's productivity and efficiency. These units often suffer from conditions such as severe corrosion and abrasion,related to temperature, presence of particulate matter in the gas stream, and the chemical composition of the waste. Calderys has developed a dedicated range meeting the demands of these wear conditions. Their low cement castables (LCC) have a high mechanical strength and present high abrasion resistance. Specific additives in low cement castables, such as SiC (a mix of Sic and Zircon Silicate) bring alkali resistance to the castables. Their newly developed products under Accplast family – Accplast 80, Accplast 70SC have been found to be best suited to protect tube walls and collectors as these have very high abrasion resistance.

Reheat Furnaces

Reheat Furnaces

Our principal Calderys India has decades of experience in developing innovative monolithic refractory products and its applications techniques for reheating and heat treating furnaces of different sizes and capacities. Their offerings are based on energy saving solutions that improve the performance of the customer's equipment. They have sustained a long-lasting working relationship with the Steel industry (both FLAT AND LONG PRODUCTS) as well as OEMs based in India and oversees. They have been dealing with a wide range of furnaces: walking beam, walking hearth, pusher furnaces, and also rotary hearth, Tunnel Furnace, annealing and other thermal treatment furnace. They have unique experience of converting roof bricks in high capacity RHF to high performance Plastic Refractories.

Foundation Grouting

Foundation Grouting

Our principal Calderys India has been working for over 30 years in the field of Foundation Grouting with its brand SHRINKKOMP. These cementations grouts were initially conceptualized and pioneered by ACC. With the expertise of ACC in cement, it became possible to produce a good quality of cementitious grout and was branded as SHRINKKOMP. With successful experiences of users, it became popular and a brand to reckon with.

Shrinkkomp is Non-Shrink, Free-Flowing, High Compressive strength, Self – Levelling, Non - Metallic, Oil & Water Resistant, Chloride - free, Easy to use, Pre-mixed cementitious grout for foundation grouting applications. SHRINKKOMP grouts are ideally suited for foundation grouting applications of structure steel stanchions, cranes, rails, anchors, bolts, base plates, bridge bearings, pumps, motors, compressors, generators, mills, turbines and many more equipment foundations.

Petroleum & Chemicals

Petroleum & Chemicals

Our principal Calderys India has over 3 decades of experience of successful activity in India and Middle East Petrochemical industry. In India Calderys India is considered as a reference supplier. They have completed several significant projects in this segments namely fertilizers, primary secondary reformers, refinery, petrochemical, carbon Black.

Calderys worldwide presence and local experience allow them to offer the most suitable and cost effective technical solutions that contribute to customers' productivity and efficiency.



Our Principal Calderys India has been serving Indian Foundry industry in various roles. They have played the role of a dependable solution partner with industry by working together towards their performance improvement while proposing most suitable services and solutions. Since decades, Calderys India has been catering to their requirements of monolithic refractory and pre cast shapes. Their leading brands like WHYTHEAT, FIRECRETE, ACCMON, AC Bricks, AC INS Bricks have became synonymous with Foundries all over the country.

Subsequent to merger with Calderys, they got complete access to their well established product range and global expertise. Calderys being the undisputed world leader in refractory solutions in both ferrous and non-ferrous foundry segments, already accumulated over 100 years of successful experience which resulted in long term partnership with customers worldwide. Calderys strength lies in combining products, concepts, knowledge and experiences to arrive at the most acceptable refractory solutions in all segments in foundry industry. This includes conceptualization of refractory layout followed by thermal profiles, design and drawing, installation and refractory commissioning services.

Calderys India are progressing with its range of silica and alumina DVM products based on Calderys established expertise and local source of raw materials to give an optimized solution for the foundry end-user.

Cement & Lime

Cement & Lime

Our principal Calderys India with over 60 years of experience of successful activity in Indian cement industry is considered to be a reference supplier for cement industry in India.

Due to decades of their association with ACC, they have developed good expertise on Rotary kiln operation and Refractories. This understanding enables them to integrate mechanical aspects of kiln operation with Refractories and work out a solution which will perform under actual operation conditions. They have been able to use this understanding to introduce Low cement Castable, Ultra low cement Castable and No cement Castable, alkali resistant semi insulating bricks in cement plants. They have a major list of accomplishments in this segment. They have a complete range of solutions catering to every needs of this segment, which have developed over decades.



Our principal Calderys India has over two decades of experience in the Ferro-Alloy industry in India. They have product range to cater to the requirements of sinter plants, Sub merged arc furnaces, ladle etc for a ferro alloy plant. Products Whytheats, Accmons, Tabcast, are popular brands in the industry.

Their comprehensive range of products for Ferro-Alloy making is composed of alumina, carbon, and silicon carbide based products. It includes dense castables, self-flowing castables, dry gunning and shotcreting materials, ramming and plastic mixes, dry vibrating mixes, injection and grouting products, tap-hole clays and prefabricated shapes.

Direct Reduced Iron

Direct Reduced Iron

Refractory bricks were the popular choice for coal based sponge iron plants in India till 1980s. Our Principal Calderys India worked with sponge iron industry to change the Refractories from Bricks to Castables in rotary kilns, ABC, DSC and Coolers. The industry found value in the proposal and went by their recommendations. Since then DRI industry is using monolithic Refractories for all areas of Refractory usage. Accomon and Whytheat range products are very popular in this industrial application.



Our principal Calderys has been working for over 60 years with successful activity in the worldwide steel industry, where they are considered a reference supplier by servicing most of the steel producers. Their pioneering implementation of innovative monolithic products and design solutions will safeguard profitability thanks to better energy efficiency, reduced downtime, and shorter repair cycles. Their worldwide presence and local experience allows them to propose the most suitable and cost effective technical solutions that will contribute to customer's productivity and efficiency.



Our principal Calderys India plays a significant role in Indian Iron Making industry and has to its credit several initiatives leading to improved performance. they introduced castables in Iron trough almost 2 decades back and were able to propagate its advantages to users. Today almost every high productivity, high capacity Blast Furnace has implemented this technology. Castable technology for trough has also come handy to attend to increased productivity requirements from all units. Tap hole clay for high productivity Blast Furnaces is an area of high focus for them. Their activity covers every step of the iron process, from coke and ore preparation, to blast furnaces, and finally, hot metal transport. they have worked with leading OEMs for working out a reliable and long lasting refractory solution for upcoming projects.